
- Casanova z Josefovské pevnosti -



Born: 16.6.2009

Father: One More Night African Gold

Mother: Melody d'Amour ze Zlate Jalny

Teeth: complete, scissors bite

Height: 56cm

Color: sable


- Health -

 CEA/PRA/cat. - negative


- Titles -

Champion of Bulgaria and Balkans

CAJC, 2x CAC, 2x CACIB, 2x BOB


- Pedigree -

Ch. One More Night African Gold

Melody d'Amour ze Zlate Jalny

{ Ch. Hokus-Pokus vom Adlerwappen { Ch. Ashley vom Traumland
Old Golden Gates Lorien of Manico
Silver Dream P.S I Love You { Ch. Manico's Wind And Fire
Ch. Silver Dream All my Loving
{ Ch. One For All Ze Zlate Jalny { Ch. Nyitramenti Chimney-Sweep
Ch. Running Girly von Belvedere
Bloody Mary von Crottorf { Matai Captain Cook
Melody d'Amour von Crottorf


Cása is a great watchman with a bold personality.