- Monsolana Spring Mood -



Born: 20.11.2017

Father: Monsolana Bonjour Paris

Mother: Aaronwell Alicia Markova



Color: dark sable


- Pedigree -

Monsolana Bonjour Paris

Aaronwell Alicia Markova

{ Monsolana Bluzstar { Ch. Lynmead Lets Go Black

Topaz At Monsolana z Jantarnogo Berega

Monsolana Black Pantera { Ch. Lynmead Lets Go Black
Topaz At Monsolana z Jantarnogo Berega
{ Ch. Redola Just the One { Redola Strike Gold
Redola  Just Dreaming
JW Monsolana Sunwish for Aaronwel
{ Benefis of Colomber Field
Elsamos Over the Moon